hurry up!! no, wait - SLOW DOWN!!!!


Bonjour, mon petite bloggers

Soooo. SUMMER!! Aaaah!! Can't wait!! Summer is just perfection for me. No school, no stress, just chilling out, having fun... aaah. Bliss.

Then again, summer flies by and then into year 10! Weird. I can't believe how fast this school year has gone. I've been in big school for two years now!

Fab news! I've joined the Sara and Sasha's YouTube channel called chicklitchicks2 and I've discovered about 10mins ago that a couple of other blogger gals are in on it too! How exciting!!!! Yaaay!!

I'll upload a vid whenever. Back to the topic of summer!

I'm not going anywhere coz we went to Spain in April over Easter hols. Well, I'm going somewhere down south but I can't really remember where. And probs to our house in Donegal too.

I really don't mind not going anywhere abroad coz I'm really not one of those people who thinks to have a real summer they have to travel all over the place. This is still gonna be the best summer ever.. cheesy I know! But I'm determined to make every single day really fun!!

And yes I KNOW I used the word 'really' three times in that last paragraph. Shut up. It's my blog.

Friday is LAST DAY OF SCHOOL! and LAST DAY OF YEAR 9!! Yesssss!!!

Our form tutor is all no talk and no action, he promised us a class trip bowling and pizza hut and movie but obviously was too busy teaching science and singing 'I get by with a little help with my friends' to organise it. And I'm not kidding about that song. He plays the guitar and thinks he's amazing. He tried to make us sing a song for an assembly.. luckily we didn't do it but it was still embarrassing watching him sing. I've never thought of him in the same way again.

Anyhow.. back to the topic!! The whole class is just going out without the teachers and we're going to the park and just getting subway and ice-cream and messing around. I think some of us are going to LaserQuest in the Ozone in the park.. It should be really fun with everyone there :)

Au revoir.. kate xxxxxx


  1. OMG! YAY!!! So excited too! You do have the passwords don't you?? If not feel free to email me at

  2. Anonymous said...

    OMG - I don't finish 'till next Thursday! No fair :P

  3. haha wow i had to go and count the reallys in that paragraph there lol but yes summer is awesome and you dont need to go abroad to have an AMAZING summer!!!! =]