My Foolproof Plan


OK - here's the plan to get out of sports day.

1. Ask straight out.

Done - it didn't work.

2. Bribe

I told our classroom assistant that I'd give her 3 pieces of chewing gum if she could mark my name off the 100m sprint.

She's 'tried' apparently but 'can't do it'.

3. Beg

Please please please x100

This is the phase I'm on.

4. Threaten

I don't want to have to go to this but, if I have to, I will stab her with a compass.

5. Just don't show up

I think this is the one most likely to work... I'm going to run away and hide behind a bush until the running is over...

Anymore suggestions? Personally I think it's foolproof.

Oh!! I just thought of a new idea!! If I tell my form tutor I don't believe in the metic system and am strongly opposed to running 100 metres he may have to give in..

Soo, I'm enjoying this lovely Friday evening, browsing through the Urban Outfitters sale with the windows wide open, blogging about my life, trying to avoid studying.

music therapy
it's a disaster - Ok Go

love love love!
kate xxox

at least we got exercise...



Soo. Today we went on a geography trip in school for the whole day to the Glens of Antrim to study rocks and rivers.

Seriously!! I know!!

Why anyone would want to do this for a living I cannot fathom. We had to get rulers out, go stand in a scary fast moving river and measure the pebbles. Naturally I slipped.

It was actually a pretty good day 'coz I mostly just messed around.. :)

Unfortunately in Northern Ireland it rains. Quite a lot, actually. Yes, even in summer.

The rain didn't get me wet though, although my jeans are sticking to my legs which is rather uncomfortable. I have quite an, erm, competitive spirit (unless it's to do with sport!) and was trying to beat someone on how far they could go into the sea. I've been walking around with water sloshing about in my wellies for the whole day XD

Mostly though we walked up this big enormous gigantic huge massive mountain to look at waterfalls... I thought I was going to vomit. lol! At least we got exercise..

So, because I am so wet and my feet smell a little of seaweed, I am going to have a 30minute long shower!! :D

Hope you've had a nice, relatively dry day!

NOTE: the pebbles downstream are bigger than those upstream.

kate xx

music therapy
phoenix - lisztomania

six things that make me smile (:


I was tagged by Pouty Lips of Dream Weaving/Pouty Baby's Nonsense! woop!!

"If you are tagged write a post on your own blog about this saying six (un)important things which make you happy. Then you need to link to the person who tagged you and tag six bloggers people of your own. Then let them know that you've tagged them, perhaps by leaving a comment on their blog somewhere or by email. Simple. If you don't want to post on your own site, or don't have time, then just add a comment on to mine here. I won't mind if you don't link back to me, it's just a bit of fun, so don't worry about it if you don't carry it on."

Tag - you're it!!

Anna Banana

Sara Leslie




Cherry Diva

Okkk... six happy things. I'm keeping these short & snappy coz I really should be revising:

Music is one of the biggest things in my life. I play the violin & am going to learn piano and bass guitar too. I am surgically attached to my iPod. It just makes me happy :D

Where would we be without our folks? And I love my lil bro and sis so much. I would do anything for my family. Awww.

Aaah! These girls are mental. But I love them. We have the best time :)

Haahhahaha. Yes yes yes I have 'me time' every Friday. Bubble bath, a magazine, and then I paint my nails. Chocolate helps too.. I need time to myself or I go crazy.

Starting this blog is one of the best things I could have ever done. It's not toooo personal - the internet is a dangerous place! - so diary keeping and twittering on about rubbish in cyber-world are two of my fave things to do!



Looking gooood.



Blog makeover?

Do you like it?

I thought of the name in English. We're doing advertising, and we have to think of a company name, product and make an ad. I'm doing kooky jewellery, coz I do actually make it. Go to labels at the bottom and click 'make your own...' to have a look at some pics of the jewellery I've made.

I don't like the way all the little things are at the very bottom. But maybe that's just my computer? Please tell me if it comes up like that for you!!

Anyhow.. my friend and I were trying to think up company names. For a joke I said 'Rainbow Spit' but then I thought 'Rainbow Juice' and it's pretty good, I think! So I used it has my new blog name!!

Funny how when I was thinking of a new blog name I got nothing, but when I forgot about it I got one.

Wanna hear something WEIRD that happened to me yesterday??

I knew you would.

When I got home from school yesterday, there was this big box package addressed to me. I hadn't ordered anything so I thought it might be a (very) early or (very) late birthday present from one of my America-dwelling relatives.

Soo I waited til my mum got home in case it was a prezzie and I wasn't supposed to open it. But she hadn't heard anything.. so we opened it and inside was this Rowenta Elite (models) hairdryer and rotating hairbrush that dries your hair and gives you beach babe waves at the same time :)

SHOCK! HORROR!! My extremely trusting mother accused me of using her credit card to buy it. I hadn't - obvs - and she didn't really believe it either but really it was the only possible explanation. Besides - why would I order a curl-making hairbrush? I have curly hair. I would have bought ghds ;)

Anyway, there was no sender information on it at all. It said 'marketing sample request' on the side of the box, but it was all free etc.

Last night I did a quick amazon search. OMG. Tje hairbrush is £50. And the hairdryer is around £30.

£80 worth of hair stuff - sent to me for free?!!

I told my dad this morning and he went all solicitor on me and told me to email the company who shipped it over to me.

Sooo I have.

But still. It's weird.

I hope I get to keep it! I feel like a celeb who gets freebies.

music therapy
the veronicas - untouched

laters xoxoxox

Star Trek and Rainbow Juice


Soo.. as you can see I've made a few changes!

The template isn't permanent - I'm just using it til I find one I like.

Today in science as a 'treat' we watched an episode of Star Trek - woo!

I really want to see the movie! Still haven't got to it yet!


spin that record babe..


hello ;)

soo.. on Friday I downloaded Lady GaGa's album - The Fame.

At first I was like.. 'Urrgh, this is chavvy rubbish, what did I just buy?' but once I heard the whole album I really got into it.

translation - I jumped on my bed and danced around like a mad raver.

If you've been reading my humble little blog for sometime, you'll kinda have got the picture that Lady GaGa is not something I would normally listen to..

But honestly I like all genres of music..! :D

If you go to 'artists' on my iPod you'll find Katy Perry and Linkin Park and Taylor Swift and Muse.


On Saturday I used my bliss discounts (hooray for teen mags) and got 15% off the benefit face-brightening primer - I was in Debenhams a few weeks ago and one of the make-up artists used this on me and I loved it, looks v. au natural! - and 20& off a necklace at elsiebelle.

Aaah! HE exam tomorrow. We're having it before exam week because..well I don't know actually.

have a lovely day :)


You Learn Something (extremely trivial) Everyday...


OK, so, daily discoveries...

1. My hair looks pretty good tied up in a high bun, if I say so myself...
2. I'm going to need to start revising for exams pretty soon, coming up in just over 3 weeks. Eeek.
3. I do not like sandwiches with coleslaw in them.
4. I'm going to be pretty cool when I'm 64.*

*what? I hear you say.

Right, well, in H.E today we've moved onto a new topic, which is 'the elderly'. And the teacher played this John Lennon or Paul McCartney song called 'When I'm Sixty Four'. So the teacher asked us to write down a few lines on what we think we'll be like when we're 64. Woo! We'd already got our revision list and oral pres. marks (9/10 - woop!) so there wasn't really anything else to do.. (:

So I'm going to write out my list.

What I Think I Will Be Like At Sixty Four

- I will have zero wrinkles, only laugh lines, because I developed a good skincare routine at an early age.
- I shall practice yoga daily, therefore staying fit.
- I will dress appropriately and stylishly for my age.
- I will reminisce at the fossils such as iPods.
- I shall live in a beautiful home somewhere warm and remote.
- Following my ridiculous success in my younger days, I shall spend large amounts of money on my grand-children.

And the teacher called on me to read it out and everything. Woo.

Have a nice evening (:


Greetings, Trekkies.



Haven't been on the computer in a few days.

what is happening to me?!!

I dunno. School etc. My friends and I were talking before we went into class after lunch, and it how it seems like our lives are just school, brief weekend break, mostly filled with homework, projects and assignments, then school.

What a cynical view, you have, for a thirteen year old girl, you say.

Mm. Cynical, negative. But I'm not one to mope about (for too long, anyway!) so we're going to make our lives more EXCITING!!

Cannot wait til summer.

Starting exam revision this weekend - woo. Not.

At least the Star Trek movie is out today!! haha!!

Times like this is when I embrace my nerdiness. Love it ;)

Have a nice weekend!


Purple Eyes



Haven't written in a week or, so, I know! Sorry! Busy weekend!

Like I said last post (I think) this weekend I had 2 birthday parties.

On Friday I went over to my friend's at 8 for a sleepover (woo!) Including me and the bday girl, there were six adolescent or weeks-away-from-adolescence hyper girls high on chocolate and diet coke.

Doesn't get much better than that.

Normal sleepover stuff, movie watching (yes man & the break-up), giggling at 3am, munchies, chatting about rubbish. PJ fashion shoot too - lol.

I didn't get to sleep 'til 5 AM!!! Which explains the purple eyes title...

Next day we ate pancake brekkie, went to the park and came back for a barbeque with a few other of her friends. Quorn meat for me, obvs.

Yesterday (sunday) was another 13th. Went to see Hannah Montana movie (lol. my friend is OBSESSED! it was all right though :P). Sleepover with the same peeps, more of a chilled sleepover, which I was thankful for!, we watched clueless and pretty woman, and did each-others hair and read mags and chatted.

lotsa fun ;)

happy bank holiday monday!
