Christmas Aftermath


Did you all have a fantastic Christmas?!?

I really hope you did - and thanks for the comments on the last post by the way - I love hearing what people think of My Pink-Sprinkled Blog!!

When I woke up on Christmas morning I was so excited! Not just about all the prezzies that were downstairs (although that played a major part :D) just the thought of chilling out and having fun was enough to make me tingle to my tootsies. 

Omygosh omygosh omygosh! Listen to the prezzies I got - they are the bomb and I'm so happy and grateful to my parents. And Santa, of course. 

Nintendo Wii - WOW! It's the buisness, I'm so chuffed and a bit addicted to it actually.

Audrey Hepburn DVD boxset - I skipped around the table when I found this! Roman Holiday, Sabrina, Paris When It Sizzles, Funny Face and Breakfast at Tiffany's. My fave actress in one delightful package!

Games for the Wii - Mario Kart, Wii Play, Guiness World Book of Records (way more fun than it sounds - you run around the world doing records, there's Highest BMX jump, Fastest Time to Eat 10 Cockroaches, Melon Smashing..) and Wii Sports. Hours of fun - fabulous!!!

A gorgeous bracelet - 9 Carat Gold! It's beautiful - simple yet elegant. Love it.

Twlight (book) - I seriously have to recommend this. I started it yesterday night and I'm 3 quarters through it. It's SOO good!

Mamma Mia DVD - I love this movie! Honey honey, how you thrill me, uh huh, honey honey...

Elizabeth Arden Jewel Eyes set - It comes in a little wallet with a mirror - how cool? Very cool.

Chocolate - I value this as much as the Wii. Yumm..

Wow, it sounds so much when I write it all down, you probably think I'm a spoilt brat! But I'm sooo grateful and happy, tell me what you all got in your stockings too!

Before I go, you may be wondering what a veggie such as myself would eat for Christmas Dinner? I have nut roast - it's delish - as well as roasties and sprouts. Well, I pretend to eat those! 

Leave a comment and tell me about your Christmas!

Glossy lipped air kisses and sparkly pink fairy dust! (cute sign-offs are so much fun to make up!)

Kate xXxXx



  1. hi kate!

    sounds like you had a good chritsmas!

    from jenny xxx

  2. ^^whoops typo!^^